Reference: C079-2 3
Brand: Honeywell
Wireless Modul G2 RF Portal pentru sistemele Honeywell Galaxy Dimension și G2; Interfata Wireless Bi-directionala, Suporta Alpha si V2 protocol, EN50131-1
Telecomanda wireless Wolf-Guard YK-11
(edit with the Customer Reassurance module)
(edit with the Customer Reassurance module)
(edit with the Customer Reassurance module)
Telecomanda wireless Wolf-Guard YK-11
Alimentare: 9V-12V
Frecventa: 315MHz/433MHz
Consum: ≤ 3.5mA
Putere de emisie: £¾ 10mW
Distanta de operare: 80m~100m
Reference: C079-2 3
Brand: Honeywell
Wireless Modul G2 RF Portal pentru sistemele Honeywell Galaxy Dimension și G2; Interfata Wireless Bi-directionala, Suporta Alpha si V2 protocol, EN50131-1
Reference: SIM01 3
Brand: DSC
Camera video color,PIR functional DSC, in carcasa de PIR SIM01,
Reference: 460 PARADOOR 3
Reference: DS-PKF1-WE/BK 3
Telecomanda wireless AX PRO Hikvision DS-PKF1-WE, 868MHz two-way Tri-X wireless technology, 4 butoane programabile, distanta comunicare: 900m in camp deschis, modalitati multiple de inrolare, complet configurabil la distanță prin APP, baterie 3V: 1x CR20
Reference: PIR3SP
Brand: Scientech Electronics
Senzor pir imun animale mici PIR3SP pt alarma LS30
Reference: AX-130TN-1
Brand: OPTEX
Bariera IR de exterior cu doua fascicule ce poate fi folosita in protejarea unor spatii, gradini sau culoare. Poate fi conectatata la o retea cu ajutorul modulului IP/POE, PIE-1. Carcasa are un grad de protectie IP65, fiind proiectata pentru a preveni for
Reference: HW-01A
Brand: Wolf-Guard
Senzor de miscare wireless Wolf-Guard HW-01A
Reference: MPIP2000E 3
Brand: Honeywell
Centrala efractie 60 zone MAXPRO cloud base Honeywell MPIP2000E, security grad 3, Aplicatie mobila: Live view, management video si access control, Multi-location management, Interfata utilizator: panou de lucru customizabil, google maps, planuri dinamice
Reference: HX-80N-1
Brand: OPTEX
Detector de miscare, de exterior, cu montare la inlatime 2.5-3m si o detectie de pana la 24m. Senzor volumetric cu detectie reglabila, imunitate PET si analiza digitala. Tehnologie 'Intelligent AND Logic' pentru evitarea alarmelor false datorate animalelo
Reference: WS4985W-1
Brand: DSC
Detector de inundatie wireless DSC WS-4985. Este un contact fereastra care este conectat la o sonda de apa printr-un cablu cu 6 fire (1.82m).Compatibil cu urmatoarele panouri de control: Alexor, PowerSeries 9047, PC1616, PC1832, PC1864, PC4020.
Reference: DS-PS1-II-WE-R 3
Sirena interior wireless AX PRO Hikvision DS-PS1-I-WE( Red indicator ) supporting 868MHz two-way communication via Cam-X protocol,multiple alarm sounds, strobe light indication, is used forinstant alerting when alarm triggered, Buzzer Decibel: 90 to 110 d
Reference: DS-PT1-WE 3
Cititor card wireless AX PRO Hikvision DS-PT1-WE; 868MHz two-way Tri-X wireless technology, distanta comunicare RF : 1200min camp deschis; coumincare bidirectionala, criptare: AES-128, Indicatori LED: area (blue), fault(orange), arm(blue), disarm(green),
Reference: PA-81D
Brand: Pilot Guards (PGST)
Senzor de miscare tip cortina pe cablu PA-81D